Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why so ya-ya? Tao Li taunts rivals after win at Asian Games

'I am watching you' said Tao Li's gesture after she topped the 50m butterfly final. She did not even shake her competitors' hands, said a disappointed STOMPerChinaNational.

The swim event is part of the 16th Asian Games which is held in Guangzhou from Nov 12 to 27 this year. According to Tao Li herself, her gesture meant 'don't underestimate me' and through doing that, she wanted people to treat her with respect.

Said the STOMPer in his email contribution (Nov 19):

"Tao Li shows off after winning.

"Yesterday I saw this while watching the news on the Asian Games' 50m butterfly.

"As everyone knows, our China-born Singaporean won 1st place in the race.

"I was happy at first, but after I saw what she did next, it made me very disappointed.

"Instead of shaking her losing opponents' hands, she put 2 fingers to her eyes and pointed it to her opponents (meaning: I will be watching you).

"Where is the sportsmanship?

"Just because she won doesn’t mean she can look down on others, can she?"

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