Monday, November 15, 2010

Man carrying dagger on MRT was observing religious practice

The man who was spotted on the MRT carrying a dagger, was actually carrying a Sikh ceremonial knife, says the Sikh Advisory Board. The dagger is a 'Kirpan' and is one of the five articles of faith that a baptised Sikh is required to carry on his person every day.

STOMPer Vanessa, whose contribution was carried on Oct 31, said that she spotted on the man with a knife hanging on his bag while travelling on the East-West line.

She added that the man was fidgeting about and turning around very often and that he wore a 'hostile expression' on his face.

The sender was very uncomfortable to be on the same train as him.

A spokesman for the Sikh Advisory Board clarified the situation in an email to STOMP.

He said:

"On behalf of the Sikh Advisory Board, I would like to clarify that the kirpan is one of the five articles of faith that baptised Sikhs are required to carry on their person in their everyday life.

"The kirpan is usually carried discreetly beneath their clothing. Some Sikhs however, do wear the Kirpan over their clothing, like the person shown in your posting.

"As many of your readers who have commented on the posting, the Sikhs carrying the Kirpan in the manner shown are only observing their religious practices and do not intend to intimidate or harass others.

"Nevertheless, the Sikh Advisory Board is working together with the Sikh temples and institutions to advice all Sikhs in Singapore that the Kirpan should be carried discreetly under one's clothing and not be openly displayed above their clothing so as not to arouse any suspicion of or the sensitivities of other Singaporeans."

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