Selected well-wishes:
Scotts Leo 没有柯女士的一生无怨无悔的付出,新加坡肯定不会是今天傲视亚洲的国家。 少了她,新加坡的人民不可能享有如此和平,安稳,美丽繁荣,进步与前进的国家。 她的默默付出,她的义无反顾的精神,让李光耀先生可以大刀阔斧的把新加坡从一个贫穷的小岛国变成了今天的亚洲金融中心,会议中心,拥有一流设施的国际中心。柯女士的一生传奇,一定会永远留在我们的记忆里!我给柯女士最后的敬礼!♥
Alice Liu: 家有贤妻如国有良相! 感谢您的默默付出! 感谢李家的明显付出! 希望李家尤其李资政化悲伤为赞叹! 赞叹李夫人的学业、事业及家庭等的特优表现! 赞叹李夫人交出了十分完美的人生成绩单! 了无遗憾,了无遗憾!♥
Kevin Yong: It is unusual for a person who had deliberately kept out of the limelight and who worked behind the scenes to have such a profound influence on an entire nation such that her death invites so many well-deserved tributes and condolences. There is so much to learn from your quiet dignity and grace Mrs Lee. RIP and forever remembered in our hearts.♥
Sean Ho: A well deserved rest after a lifetime's worth of work, Mrs. Lee we will not forget the contributions your family has given to our country. May you find everlasting peace and happiness in His hands. Rest in peace, Mrs. Lee.♥
Jaime Su Goodbye Mrs Lee. It's sad to know that you have left us. You are indeed a role model to all singaporeans, especially to us women. No matter good times or bad times, you have always been a supportive wife, caring & attentive mother and grandmother to Mr Lee Kuan Yew & family. Even though you have left us, we will always remember you in our hearts. Thanks for all the contributions that you have made for us. Without you, we would not have such a beautiful city to live in. May you rest in peace, Mrs Lee. My deepest condolences to Mr Lee Kuan Yew & family.♥
Lynn Toh: Thank you for your contributions, hardwork and support to Singapore and your husband. You shall live in the hearts of all Singaporeans and your spirit will always live in us and never will be forgotten. Rest in peace, Mrs Lee ♥
Wanna Teooh: Thank you for being such an inspirational model of the modern woman, wife, mother. You had showed that a balance is indeed possible. You had touched the hearts of more people than you imagine. You will always be in our hearts. Rest in peace. ♥
Crystal Li Chun Jin: Rest in peace mrs Lee, your contribution and hardwork toward singapore had been known by everyone, You shall live in the hearts of those who loved you and will thus never die or be forgotten.♥
Celine 'domoelmodoelmo: Thanks for the contributions and support to Singapore and Your husband , Mr Lee Kuan Yew . Even though you have left , but i hope you would bless Mr Lee Kuan Yew and help him in whatever situation he is in. You will not be forgotten , but will be remembered deeply in us. Rest In Peace, Mrs Lee. ♥
Karen Tan: MRS Lee has always been a pillar of strength for MM Lee. She has my admiration for it is not easy to be the woman behind a man like MM Lee. She gracefully 'shared' her husband with all Singaporeans. While she ends her 2 years of suffering and is resting in peace, I hope MM Lee will remember the strength she has always given him to cope with this loss. She may have gone physically, but she'll always be with you as long as you keep her in your heart.♥
Sim Xianya: deepest condolences. i hope Mr lee kuan yew and his family are all coping well. you will always stay in our hearts♥
Jia Jun Hendrik What moves through us is a silence, a quiet sadness, a longing for one more day, one more word, one more touch, we may not understand why you left this earth so soon, or why you left before we were ready to say good-bye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived. And that your life gave us memories too beautiful to forget. R.I.P. Mrs Lee♥
Yifan Zhang: Rest in peace, Mrs Lee. You were an indispensable figure and role model to many of us.♥
Regina 레지나: RIP mrs lee. May you rest in peace. Thank you for all you have contributed to singapore. Deepest condolences.♥
Freddie Kee: Thank you Mrs Lee for being by Mr Lee Kwan Yew's side in his work for Singapore. My condolences to Mr Lee and all the family who will miss her so much!♥
Michael Koh: Rest In Peace Mrs Lee. May angels guides you to Heaven peacefully. Thanks for all that you have contributed to Singapore.♥
Jarren Koh: Rest in peace Mrs Lee , although you won't be with us in person , you will always be with us, deep down in our hearts.♥
Charmaine Wee: Behind every successful man comes a loving, supportive and amazing woman. God bless you, RIP.♥
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